The Hamilton Christian Nightshelter Trust was established in 1999 with a vision to provide:
'Safe and Supportive Emergency Shelter'

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Te Whare Korowai Tangaata o Kirikiriroa (HCNT) provides safe emergency and transitional housing and support to homeless single adults, with separate facilities for men and women. Our guests have complex needs, are a wide range of ethnicities and varied life experiences. Many have serious current medical or mental health issues and/or are dealing with different aspects of the criminal justice or legal system.
Te Whare Korowai is placed at the very beginning of the housing continuum, where other, more appropriate alternative accommodation is unavailable. Our services address practical and physical needs, addictions, mental health and behavioural problems, reintegration following release from prison, life skills and housing. Our clients are some of the most vulnerable adults in New Zealand who have witnessed and/or experienced horrific trauma and therefore they struggle to find their ‘fit’ in a society that does not make sense to them.